Page 78 - Values Table

"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."–Aristotle

Identifying one’s VALUES is extraordinarily important for knowing oneself, and therefore also for feeling joy in the things we do in life. It’s something that each of us—teens, parents & therapists alike—should check in with every so often.

The Values Table handout (page 78) asks students to circle the values that best represent who they are right now (and a few that they might want to build toward in the future).

Is it clarity, connection, faith, discipline, humor, learning, leadership, recognition, respect, teamwork, or something else?

In the DBT Holistic Skills Workbook for Teens, this was the first step for what would come later, and possibly one of the most important activities in the workbook.


Page 71 - Flip the Script (Answer Key)


Page 80 - Turning Values into Goals and Actions